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Working in Social Media 

Luan Wise

Welcome to The Lighthouse Careers Centre – Your beacon for discovering new opportunities in social media.

Whether you’re exploring a new role, looking to find top talent, or someone eager to glean insights into the real world of social media marketing, you’ve arrived at the right destination.

The careers blog is packed with advice for both job seekers and recruiters. Delve into expert CV and application advice, interviewing and interviewer tips plus exclusive insights from seasoned social media managers providing a behind-the-scenes look into the roles and responsibilities of this dynamic field.

Social Media Jobs

Looking for a new role involving social media? Take a look through our jobs board for current vacancies including freelance, contract, permanent, full-time and part-time roles.

Careers Advice Blog

Want to know what it’s like to work in social media – check out our careers advice blog:

How a LinkedIn post turned me into a CommsHero

How a LinkedIn post turned me into a CommsHero

  On a Monday morning, August 2014, I posted on LinkedIn: “Why social media shouldn’t replace face-to-face conversation”. It was clearly a subject that resonated – within hours the views passed 1,000 and it kept going (it has now had over 10,000 views). The link...

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The importance of keywords for social media

The importance of keywords for social media

Keywords have been an important factor in online marketing for a number of years. Anyone with a website will be familiar with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), of which keywords play a large part. But keywords – the words and phrases people are using to search for...

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Multiple Twitter Accounts – Do You Really Need Them?

Multiple Twitter Accounts – Do You Really Need Them?

In training sessions or presentations, people often ask me whether it’s acceptable to have multiple accounts on a single social media platform. The answer is that it depends on the platform. Individuals should only have one Facebook profile and one LinkedIn profile...

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What’s the point of a LinkedIn company page?

What’s the point of a LinkedIn company page?

  LinkedIn Company Pages. Yes, all business should have one... but they also need to understand and define their role for doing so. I see just three key benefits of Company Pages. Employees When employees link their profile to their employer it allows me to find...

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How 120 characters can make an impact!

How 120 characters can make an impact!

My number one tip for improving a LinkedIn profile, is to take a good look at your headline. You've got 120 characters that need to work hard, get you found and explain what you do. It's the shortest elevator pitch or job interview ever - so make sure you don't just...

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Why I switch LinkedIn endorsements off!

Why I switch LinkedIn endorsements off!

  LinkedIn Skills and Endorsements - by the far the biggest subject discussion in any LinkedIn seminar or in-house training session! LinkedIn skills are an important factor in your profile getting found. Anyone searching for a new business contact, supplier or...

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