My number one tip for improving a LinkedIn profile, is to take a good look at your headline. You've got 120 characters that need to work hard, get...
Social Media News and Actionable Insights
Welcome to my blog
As a life-longer learner I’m an avid reader, taking in new information from a variety of sources every day. On my social media profiles, and in this blog, I share best practice advice for social media marketing – industry news, planning tips and how to use LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.

Why I switch LinkedIn endorsements off!
LinkedIn Skills and Endorsements - by the far the biggest subject discussion in any LinkedIn seminar or in-house training session! LinkedIn...
The only way to make connections on LinkedIn
I really value the connections in my network. I rarely add anyone that I haven’t met face-to-face or had ongoing dialogue with via...
Don’t let social media replace face-to-face conversation
Before the internet we wrote letters, made phone calls and met people face-to-face. Things move on, and at a rapid pace. Don’t get me...
Engaging with your Social Media Audience
Guest blog featured on Business2Community, October 2013: Engaging with your Social Media Audience Social media is all about...